latest news
- APhRICA – “Advanced Physics in Rwanda Ism-cnr Cooperation Agreement”Multi-year strategic initiatives focused on advanced training and the exchange of experiences and scientific results in the fields of physics and materials science.
- PhD positions @ UNIMORETen positions open for the PhD School in Physics and Nanoscience at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Application deadline: July 26th 2024
- The TIMES networkAdvanced quantum materials, and ultra-fast phenomena are focal areas around which the TIMES network will train European doctoral students to… Read more: The TIMES network
- New EuroHPC research project: HANAMIYambo will be part of the new project promoting HPC collaboration between the EU and Japan.
- Yambo tutorial @ ENCCS 2024The tutorial given at the last ENCCS workshop is now available.
- ENCCS – Efficient materials modelling on HPCENCCS workshop featuring Yambo. March 11-15, 2024. Online.
- Theoretical Spectroscopy LecturesCECAM Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures. March 11-15, 2024. Lausanne.
- Yambo@AiiDAAiiDA-Yambo tutorial: automating Green’s function methods. February 27-29, 2024. Online.
- ASESMA 20237th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications June 12-23, 2023 Kigali – Rwanda
- Yambo school – Rome 2023Ab initio many-body perturbation theory: from equilibrium to time-resolved spectroscopies and nonlinear optics. May 22-26, 2023. Rome.