Tag: code
Yambo release 5.3
The YAMBO developers team is proud to present the new release: Yambo v5.3. This new release include a better GPU porting, the Slepc support for pseudo-hermitian BSE matrices, dichroism for molecule and other features. Moreover this new version contains many stabilizations, further refining the code structure and modularization, and different bug-fixes. A complete list of…
2024 developer’s meeting
CNR-NANO in Modena will host an intensive three-day YAMBO developers’ meeting, bringing together developers, young researchers, and experienced users. The event will focus on discussing new features, tackling challenges, exploring opportunities, and collaboratively advancing the upcoming release of the code.
YAMBO developers’ meeting 2024
Yambo developers’ meeting in Modena, 26-28 November 2024
New EuroHPC research project: HANAMI
Yambo will be part of the new project promoting HPC collaboration between the EU and Japan.
New implementation for GW Self-Energy evaluation
New scheme for GW self-energy evaluation developed in Yambo.
4 PhD positions to work on the yambo code, as part of the TIMES doctoral network
Open PhD positions related to the use and development of new features in the yambo code.
Yambo release 5.2
The YAMBO developers team is proud to present the new release: Yambo v5.2. This new release includes the implementation of the multi-pole approximation, MPA.For details see: Phys. Rev. B 104, 115157 (2021). Moreover this new version contain many stabilization, further refining the code structure and modularization, and improving performance and memory usage. A complete list…
2022 developers’ meeting
Click on the link to find out participants and programme.
Yambo developers’ meeting 2022
An intensive two-day YAMBO developers’ meeting hosted in Modena at CNR-NANO and online: main developers meet young ones to work together on the evolution of the code, from branches to taxonomy, to new features.
Yambo on TGCC Joliot Curie (the most powerful French supercomputer)
We successfully installed Yambo on most powerful French supercomputer: TGCC Joliot Curie, in particular on the SKL Irene (Skylake). The installation and running procedure is explained in the dedicated wiki webpage.