Year: 2024
2024 developer’s meeting
CNR-NANO in Modena will host an intensive three-day YAMBO developers’ meeting, bringing together developers, young researchers, and experienced users. The event will focus on discussing new features, tackling challenges, exploring opportunities, and collaboratively advancing the upcoming release of the code.
YAMBO developers’ meeting 2024
Yambo developers’ meeting in Modena, 26-28 November 2024
APhRICA – “Advanced Physics in Rwanda Ism-cnr Cooperation Agreement”
Multi-year strategic initiatives focused on advanced training and the exchange of experiences and scientific results in the fields of physics and materials science.
PhD positions @ UNIMORE
Ten positions open for the PhD School in Physics and Nanoscience at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Application deadline: July 26th 2024
The TIMES network
Advanced quantum materials, and ultra-fast phenomena are focal areas around which the TIMES network will train European doctoral students to attain high qualifications through the Marie Curie actions. This decision was made by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) in the latest call for ‘MSCA Doctoral Networks’. Specifically, three developing group of the Yambo code…
New EuroHPC research project: HANAMI
Yambo will be part of the new project promoting HPC collaboration between the EU and Japan.
Yambo tutorial @ ENCCS 2024
The tutorial given at the last ENCCS workshop is now available.
New tutorial on two-photon absorption
A new tutorial is present in the wiki web-page on the two-photon absorption (TPA). In this tutorial we show how to calculate TPA in bulk silicon using real-time dynamics. More details can be found here:
New tutorial on angular dependence of nonlinear response
A new tutorial on the calculation of angular dependence of the nonlinear response is available in the wiki at: a simple example is provided.
ENCCS – Efficient materials modelling on HPC
ENCCS workshop featuring Yambo. March 11-15, 2024. Online.