Year: 2021

  • Install Yambo with nvfortran compiler and NVIDIA graphic cards

    Install Yambo with nvfortran compiler and NVIDIA graphic cards

    New wiki webpage on how to configure and install the YAMBO codewith NVfortran and the NVIDIA graphic cards: Install Yambo on Ubuntu/LinuxMint with NVfortran compiler. More info on Yambo on NVIDIA graphic cards can be found here:Materials Design Toward the Exascale: Porting Electronic Structure Community Codes to GPUs.

  • Yambo goes fully GPL

    Yambo goes fully GPL

    Yambo 5.0 is a major release that comes with many new features and changes in the code. This becomes immediately evident browsing the yambo github repository. So far the GPL repository was a container of the released code extracted from the development repository. Since 2021 and yambo 5.0 the GPL and devel repository are fully…

  • Yambo YouTube channel

    Yambo YouTube channel

    The Yambo YouTube channel is finally online!On our channel you can find  all lectures and tutorials given at the Yambo Virtual School plus other interesting talks given by the YAMBO developers.The videos include also interesting references to learn many-body physics and optical properties. Hereafter the list of available lectures: Session on nonlinear opticsYambo parallelism and HPCElectron-phonon coupling…

  • Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code

    Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code

    Online 8-16 April 2021

  • New installation wiki page

    New installation wiki page

    A new web-page with instructions to install YAMBO is available on wiki: Installation.All new configure options of Yambo 5.0 are available here.Moreover we provide specific installation setup for different machines: Install Yambo on Ubuntu/LinuxMintInstall Yambo on Ubuntu/LinuxMint with Intel compilerMachine specific configure scripts Notice that it is not possible to install Yambo on some old machines, or…

  • New tutorial on optical properties at finite temperature

    New tutorial on optical properties at finite temperature

    A new tutorial on optical properties at finite temperature is available in the wiki web-page of Yambo.Notice that in the present implementation in Yambo different approximation are done that could give not perfect results, please read carefully the tutorial.

  • New tutorial on self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only

    New tutorial on self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only

    A new tutorial is available in the Yambo wiki on self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only  (evGW). In this tutorial we illustrate how to use Yambo to perform self-consistent GW calculations in G and W. Self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only is a good approximation when DFT wave-functions are not so different from GW ones, for example materials…

  • New tutorial on electron-phonon coupling

    New tutorial on electron-phonon coupling

    A new tutorial is available in the Yambo wiki on electron-phonon interaction. This tutorial starts from the calculation of electron-phonon matrix elements with Quantum Espresso and how to read them with Yambo. Then we explain how to calculated the effect of lattice vibration on the single particle levels, and how to use this correction to…