Yambo YouTube channel

The Yambo YouTube channel is finally online!
On our channel you can find  all lectures and tutorials given at the Yambo Virtual School plus other interesting talks given by the YAMBO developers.
The videos include also interesting references to learn many-body physics and optical properties.

Hereafter the list of available lectures:

Session on nonlinear optics
Yambo parallelism and HPC
Electron-phonon coupling in Yambo
BSE simulation tutorial: compute the excitonic properties of hBN
Excitons in practice
The Bethe-Salpeter Equation
The GW method: Common approximations & practical implementations
ARPES, quasiparticles and lifetimes: a theory overview
Introduction to Many Body Perturbation Theory
Linear response theory
Yambo In Practice
From equation to Simulation the Hard Life of a Material Scientist
Computational Material Science: The Yambo perspective
Optical Properties & Excitons
The Yambo Philosophy
Real time Many Body simulation propagating the density matrix
Description and goals of the school From theoretical concepts to real computation of
Introduction to Many body perturbation theory
Introduction to Material Science
The Quasi Particle concept and the GW method
Yambo and abinit. Benasque school.



