May 19-23
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Modena, Italy
Apply at the webpage (deadline March 31)
YAMBO is an open-source code released within the GPL licence implementing first-principles methods based on Green’s function theory to describe excited-state properties of realistic materials.These methods include the GW approximation, the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE), electron-phonon interaction and non-equilibrium Green’s function theory (NEGF).
YAMBO relies on previously computed ground-state properties and for this reason it is interfaced with other density functional theory (DFT) codes.

YAMBO is part of
MaX – centre of excellence

Have a look at the web portal for more information on MaX, its teams and its flagship codes.

check out the latest news
- Yambo release 5.3The YAMBO developers team is proud to present the new release: Yambo v5.3. This new release include a better GPU… Read more: Yambo release 5.3
- 2024 developer’s meetingCNR-NANO in Modena will host an intensive three-day YAMBO developers’ meeting, bringing together developers, young researchers, and experienced users. The… Read more: 2024 developer’s meeting
- APhRICA – “Advanced Physics in Rwanda Ism-cnr Cooperation Agreement”Multi-year strategic initiatives focused on advanced training and the exchange of experiences and scientific results in the fields of physics and materials science.
