Exciton analysis

Anything regarding the post-processing utility (e.g. excitonic wavefunction analysis) is dealt with in this forum.

Moderators: Davide Sangalli, andrea marini, Daniele Varsano

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Posts: 31
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Location: Tezpur, Assam, India

Exciton analysis

Post by Dhanjit » Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:26 am

Dear all,
I have been trying to do the ypp calculation to analyse the exciton.
But I am having some issues with in the output file
cat o-3D_BSE.exc_qpt1_weights_at_*

Code: Select all

# Electron-Hole pairs that contribute to Excitonic State 68 for iq=1 more than  5.000000%
#                       K-point [iku]                         Weight
# :    0.00000000         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.170892164   
# :   0.624999963E-1     0.108253032         0.00000000        0.623574913   
# :   0.124999993        0.216506064         0.00000000        0.377418816   
# :   0.187499985        0.324759096         0.00000000        0.711636543   
# :  -0.249999985       -0.433012128         0.00000000        0.502409399   
# :   0.124999993         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.317584991   
# :   0.187499985        0.108253032         0.00000000        0.553700149   
# :   0.249999985        0.216506064         0.00000000        0.567887247   
# :  -0.187499985       -0.541265190         0.00000000        0.859183729   
# :  -0.124999993       -0.433012128         0.00000000         1.00000000   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.324759096         0.00000000        0.582013607   
# :    0.00000000       -0.216506064         0.00000000        0.132365316   
# :   0.249999985         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.268746912   
# :   0.312500000        0.108253032         0.00000000        0.744910300   
# :  -0.124999993       -0.649518192         0.00000000        0.739944696   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.541265190         0.00000000        0.896785617   
# :    0.00000000       -0.433012128         0.00000000        0.525171518   
# :   0.374999970         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.358814508   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.757771254         0.00000000        0.808874309   
# :    0.00000000       -0.649518192         0.00000000        0.373740405   
# :  -0.499999970         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.198819488   
#    Band_V             Band_C             Kv-q ibz           Symm_kv            Kc ibz             Symm_kc            Weight             Energy
# 07/17/2023 at 12:59 ypp @ master [start]
# 07/17/2023 at 12:59              [end]
# .-Input file  ypp_AMPL.in
# | excitons                         # [R] Excitonic properties
# | amplitude                        # [R] Amplitude
# | ElecTemp= 0.025869         eV    # Electronic Temperature
# | States= "68 - 74"                # Index of the BS state(s)
# | BSQindex= 1                      # Q-Index of the BS state(s)
# | #DipWeight                     #  Weight the contribution to the exciton WFs with the dipoles
# | Degen_Step= 0.010000       eV    # Maximum energy separation of two degenerate states
The transition details are missing. This should have included some numbers as shown in the tutorials.
***One more thing I wanted to know that after running the BSE Screening and BSE Kernel calculation can I directly go to "Bethe-Salpeter on top of quasiparticle energies" module skipping the "scissor" module. If not then how can I get the Scissor value corresponding to my system?
The above exciton analysis has been done skipping the Scissor module.
Any help will be appreciated.

Dhanjit Talukdar
Research Scholar,
Optoelectronics and Photonics Laboratory,
Department of Physics,
Tezpur University, Assam, India

Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:18 am
Location: Tezpur, Assam, India

Re: Exciton analysis

Post by Dhanjit » Mon Jul 17, 2023 3:17 pm

Dhanjit wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:26 am Dear all,
I have been trying to do the ypp calculation to analyse the exciton.
But I am having some issues with the output file
cat o-3D_BSE.exc_qpt1_weights_at_*

Code: Select all

# Electron-Hole pairs that contribute to Excitonic State 68 for iq=1 more than  5.000000%
#                       K-point [iku]                         Weight
# :    0.00000000         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.170892164   
# :   0.624999963E-1     0.108253032         0.00000000        0.623574913   
# :   0.124999993        0.216506064         0.00000000        0.377418816   
# :   0.187499985        0.324759096         0.00000000        0.711636543   
# :  -0.249999985       -0.433012128         0.00000000        0.502409399   
# :   0.124999993         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.317584991   
# :   0.187499985        0.108253032         0.00000000        0.553700149   
# :   0.249999985        0.216506064         0.00000000        0.567887247   
# :  -0.187499985       -0.541265190         0.00000000        0.859183729   
# :  -0.124999993       -0.433012128         0.00000000         1.00000000   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.324759096         0.00000000        0.582013607   
# :    0.00000000       -0.216506064         0.00000000        0.132365316   
# :   0.249999985         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.268746912   
# :   0.312500000        0.108253032         0.00000000        0.744910300   
# :  -0.124999993       -0.649518192         0.00000000        0.739944696   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.541265190         0.00000000        0.896785617   
# :    0.00000000       -0.433012128         0.00000000        0.525171518   
# :   0.374999970         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.358814508   
# :  -0.624999963E-1    -0.757771254         0.00000000        0.808874309   
# :    0.00000000       -0.649518192         0.00000000        0.373740405   
# :  -0.499999970         0.00000000         0.00000000        0.198819488   
#    Band_V             Band_C             Kv-q ibz           Symm_kv            Kc ibz             Symm_kc            Weight             Energy
# 07/17/2023 at 12:59 ypp @ master [start]
# 07/17/2023 at 12:59              [end]
# .-Input file  ypp_AMPL.in
# | excitons                         # [R] Excitonic properties
# | amplitude                        # [R] Amplitude
# | ElecTemp= 0.025869         eV    # Electronic Temperature
# | States= "68 - 74"                # Index of the BS state(s)
# | BSQindex= 1                      # Q-Index of the BS state(s)
# | #DipWeight                     #  Weight the contribution to the exciton WFs with the dipoles
# | Degen_Step= 0.010000       eV    # Maximum energy separation of two degenerate states
The transition details are missing. This should have included some numbers as shown in the tutorials.
***One more thing I wanted to know that after running the BSE Screening and BSE Kernel calculation can I directly go to "Bethe-Salpeter on top of quasiparticle energies" module skipping the "scissor" module. If not then how can I get the Scissor value corresponding to my system?
The above exciton analysis has been done skipping the Scissor module.
Any help will be appreciated.

Dhanjit Talukdar
Research Scholar,
Optoelectronics and Photonics Laboratory,
Department of Physics,
Tezpur University, Assam, India

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Daniele Varsano
Posts: 3955
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:23 pm

Re: Exciton analysis

Post by Daniele Varsano » Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:04 pm

Dear Dhanjit,

it is possible that there are no transitions with a weight larger than 5% and this is why they are not reported.
You can set in input the minimum weight to be printed (the default is 5%):
will print all transition above 1%

if you set it to zero, you will have all the transitions.

Setting a scissor is alternative to use the QP database. You can set the parameters of the scissor and stretching by plotting E_qp vs E_ks.
see e.g. Step 3 of this tutorial:
https://www.yambo-code.eu/wiki/index.ph ... rial:_h-BN

the scissor will be the difference Gap_gw-Gap_dft and the stretching is obtained by a linear fit.

Dr. Daniele Varsano
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center, Italy
MaX - Materials design at the Exascale

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