Gnuplot scripts

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Hexagonal-BN tutorial


set key c
set grid y
set grid x
set xtics nomirror
set x2tics
set xlabel 'Cutoff Energy Ry"
set x2label 'Number of RL Vectors in Exchange' 
p "hf.dat" u 1:($4-$3)  w lp lw 2 lt -1 t "HF gap", "" using 1:($4-$3):x2tic(2) lt 7 t ""


set key c
set grid y
set grid x
set xtics nomirror
set x2tics
set autoscale xfix
set autoscale x2fix
set x2label "Cutoff Energy of eps block Ry"
set ylabel "Gap Energy eV"
set xlabel "Size of the dielectric matrix"
p "10b.dat" u 1:($4-$3)  w lp lw 2 lt -1 t "BndsRnXp=10",""  using 1:($4-$3):x2tic(2) axes x2y1 lt 7 t "" ,\
"20b.dat" u 1:($4-$3)  w lp lw 2 lt 1 t "BndsRnXp=20",""  using 1:($4-$3):x2tic(2) axes x2y1 lt 7 t "" ,\
"30b.dat" u 1:($4-$3)  w lp lw 2 lt 2 t "BndsRnXp=30",""  using 1:($4-$3):x2tic(2) axes x2y1 lt 7 t ""  ,\
"40b.dat" u 1:($4-$3)  w lp lw 2 lt 3 t "BndsRnXp=40",""  using 1:($4-$3):x2tic(2) axes x2y1 lt 7 t ""


set xtics ("K" 0, "Gamma" 30, "M" 56, "K" 71, "H" 80, "A" 110, "L" 136)
p "o.bands_interpolated" u 0:2 w l lt -1  t "LDA",\
"o.bands_interpolated" u 0:3 w l lt -1 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated" u 0:4 w l lt -1 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated" u 0:5 w l lt -1 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated" u 0:6 w l lt -1 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated" u 0:7 w l lt -1 t "" ,\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:2 w l lt 7  t "GW",\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:3 w l lt 7 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:4 w l lt 7 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:5 w l lt 7 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:6 w l lt 7 t "",\
"o.bands_interpolated_01" u 0:7 w l lt 7 t ""

Silicon Tutorial

hf_vs_cutoff.gnuplot (Gnuplot script to plot the HF corrections)

set xrange [-2:8]
set yrange [-5:10]
set xlabel "Eo [eV]"
set ylabel "E_hf-Eo [eV]"
p 'References/o-HF_3Ry.hf' u 3:($4-$3) w p t "3Ry"
rep 'References/o-HF_6Ry.hf' u 3:($4-$3) w p t "6Ry"
rep 'References/o-HF_7Ry.hf' u 3:($4-$3) w p t "7Ry"
rep 'References/o-HF_15Ry.hf' u 3:($4-$3) w p t "15Ry"
