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False detection of time reversal symmetry in non collinear magnetism case

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:37 am
by batman
Dear developers,

I am bit confused why does YAMBO assumes time reversal symmetry in case of magnetic materials. It also detects time reversal symmetry when quantum espresso turns it off. Looking into a bit, I found that Yambo treats magnetic symmetries as time reversal symmetry( which I guess is not true as it enforces time reversal on ground state hamiltonian for all magnetic materials). Also it looks like QE and Yambo contradict with each other.

In q.e [source file PW/src/setup.f90][ ... p.f90#L484]

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  magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag 
  time_reversal = .NOT. noinv .AND. .NOT. magnetic_sym 
Which implies time_reversal and magnetic_sym cannot be true at the same time and is perfectly fine.

Where as in YAMBO [yambo/interfaces/int_modules/mod_com2y.F][ ... om2y.F#L85]

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if(any(t_rev(:)==1)) then
which assumes that mag_syms and i_time_rev are true at the same time.

To add a bit more, the SOC term respects time reversal symmetry, so hamilitoan respects time-reversal in non-magnetic SOC case. I also donot really understand the following line (I mean isn't just "n_spin_den==4" in the if condition?)

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if(l_spin_orbit.and.n_spin_den==4) i_time_rev=0
Please correct me if I completely miss out something.

Best regards,

Re: False detection of time reversal symmetry in non collinear magnetism case

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:20 am
by Davide Sangalli
Dear Murali,
to explain a bit what is in

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This is the code

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     if(present(t_rev).and.present(trevsym)) then                       
       if(trevsym) i_time_rev=1                                         
       if(any(t_rev(:)==1)) then                                        
       if(l_spin_orbit.and.n_spin_den==4) i_time_rev=0                  
The first "if( present(t_rev).and.present(trevsym) )" is the way the interfaces "p2y" and "a2y" are distinguished.
In case t_rev and trevsym are present we are reading info from QE, in the other case from abinit.

QE case. i_time_rev=1 in yambo means that there are symmetries which include time reversal.
The pure time reversal (i) could be included (mag_syms=.false. and trevsym=.true.) or (ii) not included (mag_syms=.true. and any(t_rev(:)==1)
When a symmetry operation is applied, yambo just checks if such symmetry includes the time_reversal.
In case (i) there exist an operation which is "t_rev" times "identity", while in case (ii) it will always be "t_rev" times "operation in real space" different from identity

Abinit case. For abinit such part of the code is old and to be changed.
Hope this answers the questions


P.S.: The correct coding for abinit is here: ... od_com2y.F
The same algorithm is used both for abinit and QE.
Indeed the abinit call to symmetries_check_and_load has been changed. See this change in interfaces/a2y/a2y_db1.F

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-    call symmetries_check_and_load(asop,a_nsym)
+    YAMBO_ALLOC( symafm, (a_nsym) )
+    varid = netcdf_inquire_varid(ncid, "symafm")
+    netcdf_error = nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, symafm)
+    call netcdf_check(ncid,netcdf_error,varid)
+    YAMBO_ALLOC( trev, (a_nsym) )
+    trev=0
+    if (any(symafm==-1)) then
+      trev=-99
+      do is=1,a_nsym
+        det_s=m3det_i(asop(:,:,is))
+        if (symafm(is)*det_s==-1)  trev(is)=1
+        if (symafm(is)*det_s== 1)  trev(is)=0
+      enddo
+      if (any(trev==-99)) call error(" some symmetry has determinant different from 1 or -1")
+    endif
+    call symmetries_check_and_load(asop,a_nsym,t_rev=trev)
I hope we will be able to import this change in the forthcoming releases.
However, it just affects the a2y interface.