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GW calculations reduce the band gap

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:26 am
by Guo_BIT
Dear developers:
In my calculation, the GW correction reduces the bandgap. I’m not sure if this result is reasonable or if it is due to an issue with my input files.
I have attached my GW input file and results. Thank you in advance

Re: GW calculations reduce the band gap

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:34 pm
by Daniele Varsano
Dear Jingda Guo,

this is indeed rather unusual. I would anyway carefully check the convergences.
Here goes some suggestions.

1. VXCRLvcs possibly should be kept to the maximum number of G vectors (cutoff of the density)
2. EXXRLvcs, check the convergence, this is not time and memory intensive and can be raised
3. Number of bands in X and G, even if you used a terminator technique, check if it is at convergence
4. if your pseudopotential have non-linear core correction, you need to activate them to take into account with the keyword: UseNLCC
5. If your system is a 2D material, you want to use the coulomb cutoff technique in order to speed up convergence with repsect the amount of vacuum needed to isolate the monolyaer.

Not related with the result:
In X and SE parallelization, avoid parallelization over "q" as it could bring unbalances. In general, push as you can the parallelization over bands "c" and "v" in X and "b" in SE.

