All the best for 2024, further success in Yambo development and your private life!
I went over the wall-time when making full diagonalization in BSE with almost 1000 k-points.
I did not find any estimate in LOG directory how much it would take.
If such info was available it is always possible to ask administrators for an extension for the job.
The last info in LOG is
Code: Select all
<56s> P1-ac0137: Loading full BSE kernel |########################################| [100%] 52s(E) 52s(X)
<01m-00s> P1-ac0137: [06.02] BSE solver(s) @q1
<01m-00s> P1-ac0137: [LA] SERIAL linear algebra
<01m-00s> P1-ac0137: [06.02.01] Diago Solver @q1
<01m-00s> P1-ac0137: Folding BSE Kernel | | [000%] --(E) --(X)
Would it be possible to see in the LOG files which k-point is done, as it is in the kernel step?
Code: Select all
<02h-30m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |################################## | [085%] 02h-29m(E) 02h-55m(X)
<02h-33m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |################################### | [087%] 02h-32m(E) 02h-53m(X)
<02h-35m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |#################################### | [090%] 02h-34m(E) 02h-51m(X)
<02h-37m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |##################################### | [092%] 02h-36m(E) 02h-49m(X)
<02h-41m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |###################################### | [095%] 02h-40m(E) 02h-49m(X)
<02h-45m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |####################################### | [097%] 02h-44m(E) 02h-48m(X)
<02h-49m> P1-ac0183: Kernel |########################################| [100%] 02h-48m(E) 02h-48m(X)
<02h-49m> P1-ac0183: [08] Timing Overview
<02h-49m> P1-ac0183: [TIMING] io_ATMPROJ_pwscf : 0.0000s CPU
All the best!