I downloaded the file of
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
1. run scf
2. run nscf
3. p2y
Code: Select all
<---> DBs path set to : .
<---> detected QE data format : qexsd
<---> == PWscf v.6.x generated data (QEXSD fmt) ==
<---> Header/K-points/Energies... done
<---> Cell data...
<---> [WARNING] Two or more crystal structures fit the given cell done
<---> Atomic data... done
<---> Symmetries...[SI no]...[I yes]...[-I no]...[TR yes]
<---> XC functional...Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL(X)+Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL(C)
<---> EXX fraction...: 0.000000
<---> EXX screening...: 0.000000
<---> K-points mesh... done
<---> RL vectors... done
<---> IGK arrays... done
<---> Energies... done
<---> Electrons : 8.000000
<---> Temperature : 0.000000 [eV]
<---> Lattice factors : 5.132000 5.132000 5.132000 [a.u.]
<---> K-points : 8
<---> Bands : 12
<---> Spinor components : 1
<---> Spin polarizations : 1
<---> Spin orbit coupling : no
<---> Symmetries [spatial]: 24
<---> [T-rev] : yes
<---> Max WF components : 1174
<---> RL vectors (WF): 1465
<---> RL vectors (CHARGE): 9257
<---> XC potential : Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL(X)+Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL(C)
<---> Atomic species : 1
<---> Max atoms/species : 2
<---> == DB1 (Gvecs and more) ...
<---> ... Database done
<---> == DB2 (wavefunctions) ...
<---> [p2y] WF I/O |########################################| [100%] --(E) --(X) done ==
<---> == DB3 (PseudoPotential) ... done ==
<---> == P2Y completed ==
Code: Select all
<---> [01] MPI/OPENMP structure, Files & I/O Directories
<---> [02] CORE Variables Setup
<---> [02.01] Unit cells
<---> [02.02] Symmetries
<---> [02.03] Reciprocal space
<---> Shells finder |########################################| [100%] --(E) --(X)
<---> [02.04] K-grid lattice
<---> Grid dimensions : 4 4 4
<---> [02.05] Energies & Occupations
<---> [03] Transferred momenta grid and indexing
<---> [BZ sampling] Q-grid is User defined and/or read from the database
<---> [RL indx] Q BZ pts are /= from X grid BS pts. Gamma point only.
<---> [04] Timing Overview
<---> [05] Game Over & Game summary
Code: Select all
<---> [01] MPI/OPENMP structure, Files & I/O Directories
<---> [02] Y(ambo) P(ost)/(re) P(rocessor)
<---> [03] Core DB
<---> :: Electrons : 8.000000
<---> :: Temperature : 0.000000 [eV]
<---> :: Lattice factors : 5.132000 5.132000 5.132000 [a.u.]
<---> :: K points : 8
<---> :: Bands : 12
<---> :: Symmetries : 48
<---> :: RL vectors : 9257
<---> :: Lattice constant (used to define "alat" unit) [a.u.]: 5.130000
<---> [04] K-point grid
<---> :: Q-points (IBZ): 1
<---> :: X K-points (IBZ): 8
<---> [05] CORE Variables Setup
<---> [05.01] Unit cells
<---> [05.02] Symmetries
<---> [05.03] Reciprocal space
<---> [05.04] K-grid lattice
<---> Grid dimensions : 4 4 4
<---> [05.05] Energies & Occupations
<---> [06] BZ grid analyzer/generator
<---> Q-points (BZ): 1
<---> K-points (BZ): 64
<---> [07] == Q-grid analyzer ==
<---> [WARNING] Point already in the grid. Listing internal Q-points.
<---> [07.01] == Built-in grids [alat] ==
<---> Q-points (IBZ) formatted
0.000000000 | 0.000000000 | 0.000000000 | 1.000000000
<---> Q-points (IBZ) un-formatted
k1: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
<---> Q-points (IBZ) PW-formatted
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1
<---> [08] Timing Overview
<---> [09] Game Over & Game summary
but I don't know how to correct this.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards.