Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

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Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by sitangshu » Fri May 19, 2023 7:46 am

Hi guys,

Many thanks for the yambopy codes. I can now compute all the gkkp matrix elements (expanded in k and q) and the plots as shown here: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ.
I can see that in the code, one can change the initial and final electronic band states (scattering) and choose a specific phonon mode. Since the k remains fixed, I understand this as intravalley scattering. :

Code: Select all

# Customly chosen matrix elements
    i_n, i_m = [3,4] #i_n =3 -> valence band, i_n = 4 -> conduction band in 2D-hBN
    i_nu = 3 # LA phonon mode in 2D-hBN at K (ZO mode at Gamma); LO, TO modes are i_nu=4,5
    i_q = 143 # This is the K-point in the hexagonal BZ
    i_k = 143
What I need to compute is the intervalley, where one can change also the k point. say between k to k' in case of single layer mos2. how should i compute that?

Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by palful » Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:28 pm

Dear Sitangshu,

The electron phonon matrix element <nk| dV_lq |mk-q> is saved by yambopy in an array with dimension [Nq,Nk,Nl,Nm,Nn].
It is read from the Yambo ndb.elph_*_fragment_* databases, where each fragment corresponds to a value of q.

Here k is the electron momentum, q=k-k' is the momentum transfer (phonon momentum), n and m are electronic band indices and l is the phonon mode index.

Therefore, you have access to all intraband and interband matrix elements. For example, keeping n=m and q=1 gives the intraband value at vanishing momentum transfer. If you want the coupling between K and K' points in MoS2, you have to work with the indices of k and q. For example, you can take the k-index corresponding to K and the q-index such as K-Q=K'.

In order to find out which indices to correspond to which cartesian coordinates, you can plot the annotated k and q grids using yambopy (as seen in the tutorial).

Dr. Fulvio Paleari
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by sirsha » Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:08 am

palful wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:28 pm Dear Sitangshu,

The electron phonon matrix element <nk| dV_lq |mk-q> is saved by yambopy in an array with dimension [Nq,Nk,Nl,Nm,Nn].
It is read from the Yambo ndb.elph_*_fragment_* databases, where each fragment corresponds to a value of q.

Here k is the electron momentum, q=k-k' is the momentum transfer (phonon momentum), n and m are electronic band indices and l is the phonon mode index.

Therefore, you have access to all intraband and interband matrix elements. For example, keeping n=m and q=1 gives the intraband value at vanishing momentum transfer. If you want the coupling between K and K' points in MoS2, you have to work with the indices of k and q. For example, you can take the k-index corresponding to K and the q-index such as K-Q=K'.

In order to find out which indices to correspond to which cartesian coordinates, you can plot the annotated k and q grids using yambopy (as seen in the tutorial).


I tried to use elph_plot.py code of yambopy to calculate both intra- and intervalley deformation potentials. As per the code attached (for monolayer MoS2), I use i_n = i_m = 26 as intraband value (CBM occurs at 27th band); i_nu = 1 to choose LA mode of phonon; i_k = 142 (i.e. 'K' point in the BZ plot attached, generated using bz_plot.py) as CBM occurs at the 'K' point. It gives the expanded gkkp matrix elements in q-space (i.e. g_of_q) and it seems that g_of_q is centered at i_k = 142 (i.e. 'K' point in the BZ for electrons). Is it right?

Next using this g_of_q matrix elements I tried to calculate intra- and intervalley deformation potentials for selected phonon modes using the equation that I have attached. Say, for 'Gamma' to 'K' direction (along expanded points 0, 34, 88, 124, 142 in BZ), I calculate M and its slope w.r.t. |q|. This slope near 'Gamma' gives intravalley deformation potentials. Is it right? If yes how to get the intervalley deformation potentials, as in elph_plot.py code I cannot set a particular i_q value, as g_of_q is a complete q-space matrix?

Code: Select all

Tutorial for YamboElectronPhononDB.

Electron-phonon matrix element reading and plotting

EDIT the path below to point to the yambo SAVE_expnd_new folder.
from yambopy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Main part of the script
    Kspace_Plot    = False
    Qspace_Plot    = True

    # Customly chosen matrix elements
    i_n, i_m = [26,26]      #i_n =3 -> valence band, i_n = 4 -> conduction band in 2D-hBN
    i_nu = 1                # LA phonon mode in 2D-hBN at K (ZO mode at Gamma); LO, TO modes are i_nu=4,5
    i_q = 142               # This is the K-point in the hexagonal BZ
    i_k = 142

    #                    #
    # Start Yambopy part #
    #                    #

    # Create "lattice" object by reading the ns.db1 database inside the yambo SAVE_expnd_new
    ylat = YamboLatticeDB.from_db_file(filename=save_path+'/SAVE_expnd_new/ns.db1')
    qx = ylat.car_kpoints[:,0]
    qy = ylat.car_kpoints[:,1]

    alat = 5.97229044*(0.528e-10)           # in m
    n = (2*math.pi)/alat
    q = (1e-10)*np.sqrt((n*qx)**2+(n*qy)**2)  # in 1/Ang

    # Create "elphon" object by reading the ndb.elph_gkkp* databases inside the yambo SAVE_expnd_new
    yelph = YamboElectronPhononDB(ylat,folder_gkkp=save_path+'/SAVE_expnd_new',save=save_path+'/SAVE_expnd_new')

    # Print info on how to use this class

    # We select a specific K-point to plot |g(Q)| in qspace
    g_of_q = np.abs(yelph.gkkp[:,i_k,i_nu,i_n,i_m]) 

    hbar = (6.62607015e-34)/(2*math.pi)   # in (kg m^2/sec) J-sec
    m_0= (173.29518e-30)*(1.53381e3)   # in kg

    omega = np.zeros(5)                   # in 1/sec
    omega[0] = (1e12)*1.088872    # LA    
    omega[1] = (1e12)*3.399453    # LA   
    omega[2] = (1e12)*5.585689    # LA   
    omega[3] = (1e12)*6.443713    # LA   
    omega[4] = (1e12)*7.042009    # LA   

    M = np.zeros(5)                       # in eV/Ang
    M[0] = (1e-10)*27.2114*g_of_q[0]/math.sqrt(hbar/(2*m_0*omega[0]))
    M[1] = (1e-10)*27.2114*g_of_q[34]/math.sqrt(hbar/(2*m_0*omega[1]))
    M[2] = (1e-10)*27.2114*g_of_q[88]/math.sqrt(hbar/(2*m_0*omega[2]))
    M[3] = (1e-10)*27.2114*g_of_q[124]/math.sqrt(hbar/(2*m_0*omega[3]))
    M[4] = (1e-10)*27.2114*g_of_q[142]/math.sqrt(hbar/(2*m_0*omega[4])) 
    print('D0 (eV/cm)=',M*(1e8))

    q1 = np.zeros(5)
    q1[0] = q[0]
    q1[1] = q[34]
    q1[2] = q[88]
    q1[3] = q[124]
    q1[4] = q[142]

    fit = np.polyfit(q1[0:2+1], M[0:2+1], 1)
    coeff = fit[0]
    intercept = fit[1]
    fit_eq = coeff*q1[0:2+1] + intercept
    plt.plot(q1[0:2+1], fit_eq, color='r')
    plt.plot(q1, M)
    plt.xlabel('q (1/Ang)')
    plt.ylabel('M (eV/Ang)')
    print('D1 (eV)=', coeff)

    if Qspace_Plot:
        yelph.ax.set_title('|g(q)| (Hartree)')

    # We select a specific Q-point to plot |g(K)| in kspace
    g_of_k = np.abs(yelph.gkkp[i_q,:,i_nu,i_n,i_m])

    if Kspace_Plot:
        yelph.ax.set_title('|g(k)| (Hartree)')

    #                   #
    # End Yambopy part. #
    #                   # 
Thanks and regards,
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Sirsha Guha
Ph.D. Student
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by palful » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:22 am

Dear Sirsha,
I tried to use elph_plot.py code of yambopy to calculate both intra- and intervalley deformation potentials. As per the code attached (for monolayer MoS2), I use i_n = i_m = 26 as intraband value (CBM occurs at 27th band); i_nu = 1 to choose LA mode of phonon; i_k = 142 (i.e. 'K' point in the BZ plot attached, generated using bz_plot.py) as CBM occurs at the 'K' point. It gives the expanded gkkp matrix elements in q-space (i.e. g_of_q) and it seems that g_of_q is centered at i_k = 142 (i.e. 'K' point in the BZ for electrons). Is it right?
It is right. However, in order to make sure that the k and q-point indexing between yambopy and yambo is consistent, I suggest to redo the BZ plot using the option "expand_mode=1" in YamboLatticeDB. This forces yambopy to expand the k-points in the same order as yambo does, e.g.:

Code: Select all

Next using this g_of_q matrix elements I tried to calculate intra- and intervalley deformation potentials for selected phonon modes using the equation that I have attached.
Note that the rescaling by 1/sqrt(2*frequency) in your formula is automatically applied by yambopy (i.e., the "g" are what is plotted). If you want to avoid it and obtain just the "M", you have to read the matrix element with a specific option called "scale_g_with_ph_energies=False", such as:

Code: Select all

If yes how to get the intervalley deformation potentials, as in elph_plot.py code I cannot set a particular i_q value, as g_of_q is a complete q-space matrix?
I am not sure I completely understood the question. In principle, the array yelph.gkkp read by YamboElectronPhononDB has dimensions both for q-space (first axis) and k-space (second axis). You also have the array yelph.car_qpoints which contains the coordinates of the q-points and could be plotted in a similar way as you did for the k-points in bz_plot, so that you can associate a certain q-index to its position. So for instance - assuming that you have all the needed yambo database fragments ndb.elph_gkkp_expanded_fragment_* - you could set any i_q value, and any n and m values.

Dr. Fulvio Paleari
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center
Modena, Italy

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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by rishabhsrsw7 » Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:25 pm


I have been plotting g_of_q for monolayer MoS2. I performed my calculations at 18x18x1 grid and hence have 324 k points. The K point is 322 (bz plot attached), for which I have plotted the intravalley g_of_q for various phonon modes (at the lowest conduction band, i.e. 26).

My i_k is 322, and g_of_q is plotted by keeping the K-point constant. I assumed that changing i_q should give me the plots for intervalley (K to K' if I keep q = 1), but it does not. For i_q 1,2 and even 322, the plots are exactly the same. My question is, how do I plot the g_of_q for intervalley transitions?

Will be very thankful for any insight you could provide.

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Rishabh Saraswat
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by rishabhsrsw7 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:57 pm


Awaiting your response.

Thank you and Regards
Rishabh Saraswat
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by rishabhsrsw7 » Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:25 am


Will be very thankful if you could provide any clarity to this issue.

Rishabh Saraswat
PhD student
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by palful » Mon Oct 07, 2024 4:22 pm

Dear Rishabh,

If you want to obtain the matrix elements from K to K', considering that the Yambo convention for momenta is g(k,q) ~ <k|dV(q)|k-q>.
So if you want to get <K'| dV(q) |K>, I would say that you have to fix "k" to the K' index (323 in your grid), since this represents the final state. Then you have K'-q=K, that is q=K'-K=K. Equivalently, you could put k=K (index 322) and q=K'.

Does this answer your question? When you plot your q-maps, do they look similar to previous published results for monolayer MoS2? Keep in mind that, in case you have degeneracies, you need to take into account the sum of the squared of all degenerate states for it to make sense. Also, if you keep the band index to 26 (and you have enabled spin-orbit coupling in your calculation), the K->K' matrix element goes from a mostly spin-up to a mostly spin-down band. Instead, the coupling 26->27 would be between bands with approximately the same spin projection.

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards,
Dr. Fulvio Paleari
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center
Modena, Italy

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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by rishabhsrsw7 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:44 pm

Hi Fulvio,

Thank you for your reply. The bit about degenerate states was really helpful, but my core doubt is still not clear.

For intravalley Q-space plots, our results do indeed match to an extent. The values match exactly to , https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/1 ... B.87.11541.

However, from this paper, https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/1 ... .85.115317, figure 4, I am trying to replicate the Intervalley scattering.

In elph_plot.py (

Code: Select all

# We select a specific Q-point to plot |g(K)| in kspace
    g_of_k = np.abs(yelph.gkkp[i_q,:,i_nu,i_n,i_m])

    # We select a specific K-point to plot |g(Q)| in qspace
    g_of_q = np.abs(yelph.gkkp[:,i_k,i_nu,i_n,i_m])
322 is my K point, fixing i_k to 322, whatever value I keep for i_q will not affect my Q-space plot. So I am able to get the intravalley scattering plots, but what should I do for intervalley?

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Rishabh Saraswat
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Re: Electron-phonon intro: plots of el-ph matrix elements on k-BZ and q-BZ

Post by palful » Fri Oct 11, 2024 2:10 pm

Dear Rishabh,

I am not so sure. Checking the paper that you mentioned, I note that the values contained in the gkkp array correspond to their equation (3). In order to obtain a matrix element proportional to Eq. (4) (although not with the same unit), you add:

Code: Select all

Now the gkkp array will not be divided by the square root of the phonon frequency. Another observation is that it appears that the authors of that reference did not include spin-orbit coupling in their calculations, so in order to compare with them you should also not use SOC: this means that the lowest conduction band will become the 13th instead of the 26th.

Dr. Fulvio Paleari
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center
Modena, Italy

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