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Kpoint indexes in Coulomb matrix elements

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:51 am
by Nhat Minh Pham
Dear developers,

K-points used in Coulomb matrix elements are in full Brillouin zone, I'm wondering if its indexes and values are the same as (Wannier90 utility)?
As I see in k_expand.f90 and k_build_up_BZ_tables.f90, Yambo uses k-points in ibz and opens it to bz by multiplying k-points in ibz with some symmetry matrices.
With k-points in ibz having - sign and multiplying procedure to expand, I doubt that k-points' indexes and values are equal to the results of
If it's not the same can you help me output kpoints' values?


Re: Kpoint indexes in Coulomb matrix elements

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:39 am
by Daniele Varsano
Dear Nhat Minh Pham
here is the answer sent to me by Matteo Zanfrognini (a PhD student at CNR Nano in Modena): creates a k grid sampling the full BZ, without considering symmetries of the systems.
Therefore, if you generate a k grid (say nk1,nk2,nk3) with, this will be different from the k grid used by Yambo, if it is launched on top of an nscf calculation performed over a (nk1,nk2,nk3) "automatic" grid in Quantum Espresso.
Further, also in the case in which you run Quantum Espresso without symmetries (i.e. setting nosym=.true. and noinv = .true. in the nscf input) the k grid generated by QE and then used by Yambo will be different from the grid one can produce with
There are two possible ways to read the coordinates of the k points used by Yambo:
1) run the initialization step with the -fatlog option: in this way, the coordinates of all the k and q points used by Yambo will be directly written in the Report file (r_setup);
2) you can use the yambopy routines: if you look inside the class YamboLatticeDB (defined into, the method from_db_file reads the k points from the ns.db1 file written in the SAVE directory.


Re: Kpoint indexes in Coulomb matrix elements

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:16 am
by Nhat Minh Pham
Dear Daniele,

Thank you very much.
I think K point coordinates in r_setup are in the irreducible Brillouin zone, what I want is K point coordinates which are connected to K point indexes used in Coulomb matrixes.
I think those K points are in the full first Brillouin zone produced by expanding the irreducible Brillouin zone.
