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running yambo but has no response

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:30 am
by gaohan
Dear developers,
Sometimes I run "yambo",but there has been no output "r-q100_rim_cut_optics_dipoles_kernel_chi". I often need to submit it several times until it finally runs.
The command I use to generate the input is "yambo -F yambo.in_RPA -V RL -J q100 -o c -k hartree"
My parallel commit script is "mpirun -np $NP -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE yambo -F yambo.in_RPA -J q100".
Have you encountered similar problems?
Looking forward to your reply. Thanks very much!

Re: running yambo but has no response

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:30 am
by Daniele Varsano
Dear Han Gao,
I can't see nothing wrong in your setup, is your problem reproducible, i.e. do you have a case when always fails?
In this case, please post your input and r_setup file.
The input file is correctly generated? In this case it seems probably a problem of the submission script and you may ask to your system administrator.
