MaX Webinar on Yambo code: June 16th 2020

A subforum where you can post Announcements and Job offers related with the Yambo code

Moderators: Davide Sangalli, andrea.ferretti, myrta gruning, andrea marini, Daniele Varsano, Conor Hogan

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Daniele Varsano
Posts: 4093
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:23 pm

MaX Webinar on Yambo code: June 16th 2020

Post by Daniele Varsano » Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:18 am

On 16th June 2020 at 3 PM CEST, the third webinar of a series presenting the most recent developments of the MAX flagship codes entitled “Quasiparticle Band Structures and Excitons in Novel Materials using the Yambo Code” will be held featuring the Yambo code.

The scope of this webinar is, indeed, to provide a broad view of the Yambo code, where to get it from and how to use it. We will also provide an update of the status of the GPU version and outline the roadmap for its future evolution. We will also provide a basic set of instructions on how to tune and use the code efficiently on these new HPC systems.

Following a general introduction on linear response, quasiparticles and excitonic effects the webinar will focus on how to obtain an optimal performance on these new systems. An introductory talk will provide basic instructions on how to manage the resources on GPU-based machines, followed by a tutorial explaining how to compile and tune up the code.

By participating, you will be able to learn:
  • Status and features of Yambo running on GPU based systems
  • How to use optimally Yambo on heterogeneous HPC systems
  • How to compile and tune-up Yambo for GPUs, which tools and libraries are needed.
Visit the webinar website to see the full agenda and register!
Dr. Daniele Varsano
S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience and MaX Center, Italy
MaX - Materials design at the Exascale

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