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python -c ERROR

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:07 am
by S_Grillo
Hello everyone,

I report this error from ICTP2020 Yambo school.
After running the python3 -c, I get the following error

nscf calculation found!
preparing yambo database
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 238, in <module>
if args.convergence: gw_convergence()
File "", line 46, in gw_convergence
y = YamboIn.from_runlevel(' -p p -g n -V all',executable=yambo,folder='gw_conv')
File "/home/simone/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yambopy-0.1-py3.6.egg/yambopy/io/", line 124, in from_runlevel
raise FileNotFoundError("\n".join(lines))
FileNotFoundError: Yambo did not create the input file.
command: yambo -p p -g n -V all -Q
folder: gw_conv/

python3 -r -e

nscf calculation found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 175, in <module>
if bse_convergence(what=what,threads=threads,nohup=nohup)
File "", line 52, in bse_convergence
y = YamboIn.from_runlevel('%s -b -o b -k sex -y d -V all'%yambo,folder=folder)
File "/home/simone/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yambopy-0.1-py3.6.egg/yambopy/io/", line 124, in from_runlevel
raise FileNotFoundError("\n".join(lines))
FileNotFoundError: Yambo did not create the input file.
command: yambo yambo -b -o b -k sex -y d -V all -Q
folder: bse_conv/

Thanks in advance

Re: python -c ERROR

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:22 pm
by amolina

if you are working in a linux machine, I recommend you to use anaconda to create the proper environment. An example will be:

conda create --name yambopy python=3.7 scipy matplotlib netcdf4 matplotlib

This will install all the packages that you need for yambopy. Then you just need to install yambopy as indicated in the manual.


PS: Remember to complete your affiliation to write in the forum.