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To get the information about the percentage of electron pumped to the conduction band

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:15 am
by Bramhachari Khamari
Dear Sir,
I have reproduced the optical spectrum of h-BN using real time approach with application of a delta pulse. Now I would like to do the calculation for non-linear regime and would like to reproduce the plot of the percentage of valence electron pumped to the conduction band (Nc %) as a function of fluence as reported in the fig. 3 and Nc as function of time. as reported in fig 4 of the ... .84.245110. Could you tell me the steps to follow to get the same. Which output file has information about the Nc.


Re: To get the information about the percentage of electron pumped to the conduction band

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:50 pm
by Davide Sangalli
Please see the reply to the other post:

As written above, it is not yet possible to reproduces such plot using the GPL verison of yambo
