getting eliashberg function only for few bands and k points.

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getting eliashberg function only for few bands and k points.

Post by HIMANIM » Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:40 pm

Dear sir,

I am trying to get the eliashberg function for silicon using the method explained in the tutorial "Electron-Phonon effects in semiconductors: the band-gap and absorption spectrum of Silicon and Diamond". But I am getting it only for bands 1,2,7 and 8 at k point 1. I am not getting the data for the bands in between where band 4 is my top of valence band. However, I am able to generate the spectral functions of all bands. Can you please suggest me where I am doing wrong?

Himani Mishra
IIIT Allahabad

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Re: getting eliashberg function only for few bands and k poi

Post by amolina » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:16 am

Dear Himani,
can you post the report, log and output files? Otherwise will be difficult to spot the problem.
Alejandro Molina-Sánchez
Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV)
University of Valencia, Spain

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