We where trying to install yambo in GPU using
The compilation is completed. The SAVE folder can we generated using p2y however when trying to use the yambo excecutable we face an error./configure FC=nvfortran F77=nvfortran CC=nvc CPP="cpp -E" FPP="nvfortran -Mpreprocess -E" --enable-cuda="cuda11.7,cc80" --enable-time-profile
--enable-memory-profile --with-hdf5-path=/opt/cray/pe/hdf5-parallel/
--with-libxc-path=/global/common/software/nersc/pm-2021q4/sw/libxc/v5.2.2/alv-gpu MPIFC='ftn' MPIF77='ftn' MPICC='cc' MPICXX='CC'
--enable-par-linalg --enable-hdf5-par-io --enable-open-mp
We face the same error while trying to run interactively or while using script file."Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling
Kindly let us know the issue which we might be facing. Thank you in advance.
Ponnappa K. P.