I want to use yambo to do PBE0+GW calculations for some 2D materials.
Before going to Yambo, we have to do the scf and nscf calculations in QE using PBE0. And we have to set many parameters, such as exxdiv_treatment and x_gamma_extrapolation. I found this suggestion in the Yambo official website:
My question is: if I want to use CUTGeo='slab z' treatment in Yambo after the QE calculations, how should I set these parameters in QE to get reasonable results? Could you please give me some advice for QE and Yambo calculations?In order to have meaningful results, you must treat the divergences of the exchange part in QE and Yambo on the same footing (vcut_spherical or vcut_ws in exxdiv_treatment for QE and CUTGeo=”sphere or ws” respectively in YAMBO)
Best wishes,