Dear Bo,
in ypp_rt it is coded is the reconstruction of the two-times "lesser" green function withing GKBA (see GKBA equations). This needs, as input, the time history of the density matrix, called "one time Glesser" in the yambo code.
The latter is generated and written to disk with a real-time propagation with yambo_rt using the proper keyword in the input file
Keep in mind that the file containing the "one time Glesser" history is going to easily become rather large. You may want to control how often you write to disk the "one time Glesser" via the variable (second number)
Code: Select all
% IOtime
0.5 |0.1 |0.5 | fs # [RT] Time between to consecutive I/O (J,P,OCCs - GF - OUTPUT)
An example, to reconstruct the two time Glesser at the TD-HSEX level, is provided by these 3 input files: ... 3_coll_SEX ... /15_td_sex ... p_G_lesser
1) First step: generation of the "real-time collisions", equivalent to the BSE kernel. You can add the CVONLY flag to simplify the run
Code: Select all
HXC_Potential= "HARTREE+SEX CVONLY" # [SC] SC Potential
2) Second step: real time propagation at the TD-HSEX level (again, add CVONLY if you did so in step 1
3) Generate the two times Green function.
The final output is in this folder: ... /REFERENCE
(look for files with name containing 16_ypp_G_lesser)
An example of the output is provided in this paper (figure 4):
If you need the retarded one, you can replace BuildGles with use the input flag
in step 3.
Please, keep in mind that this is a very advanced feature of the code.