I am currently engaged in a research project identifying whether some two-dimensional materials are excitonic insulators (EI). The two-dimensional polarizability alpha_2D is an important parameter to describe the screened Coulomb interaction in some theoretical models of EI, which also can be find in the excellent paper Nature Nanotechnology volume 15, 367–372 (2020). So I wonder how to get a meaningful and correct 2D polarizability alpha_2D using Yambo, because I knew that Yambo can calculate that parameter. Here are my questions:
(1) I noticed that the output file o.alpha_q1_diago_bse obtained using the truncated coulomb potential in a BSE calculation contained two types of alpha_2D (alpha and alpha_o) which were very different in value. Is the value of alpha the result of the BSE calculation, and alpha_o the result of the GW calculation? Or are they should be the same?
(2) In theoretical calculations, just like paper Nature Nanotechnology volume 15, 367–372 (2020), which value should we use, the BSE result, the GW result, or the result which we should calculate in RPA? I tried both BSE and RPA calculation in yambo, but the RPA result o.alpha_q1_inv_rpa_dyson also contains two types of alpha_2D (alpha and alpha_o) and those results are different from the BSE result.

(3) As we can seen, the two-dimensional polarizability alpha_2D is energy-dependent, should we choose the alpha_2D at zero energy to use?
The input and output files are attached.
Best wishes,