Questions about how to set NLDamping in SHG calculations

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Questions about how to set NLDamping in SHG calculations

Post by Dean » Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:54 am

Dear all,
I want to calculate 2D materials using Yambo. But, I find that the SHG coefficients are greatly affected by the parameter "NLDamping", as shown in the figure.
So, what's the principle of setting "NLDamping"? Why "NLDamping" is set as 0.2 eV in many Refs?
Thanks in advance!
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Dr. Yimin Ding
Soochow University, China.

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myrta gruning
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Re: Questions about how to set NLDamping in SHG calculations

Post by myrta gruning » Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:55 am


the NLDamping parameter corresponds to the spectral broadening which is observed in experiment and accounts empirically for the interaction with other degrees of freedom (neglected from the ab-initio dynamics). The choice of 0.1-0.2 eV is a reasonable estimate of broadening that is usually observed, but as I said this is an empirical parameter, so it should be evaluated per case. As you correctly observed, by broadening the spectrum one reduces the intensities of the peak, so one should be aware of this and report the spectral broadening.

On the real-time dynamics perspective, the NLDamping translates into a decay time of the oscillation modes of the system. The larger the damping (and broadening), the shorter the decay time and vice versa. So, the choice of the NLDamping also influences the length of the simulation. The smaller the NLDamping, the longer the simulation.
Dr Myrta Grüning
School of Mathematics and Physics
Queen's University Belfast - Northern Ireland

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Re: Questions about how to set NLDamping in SHG calculations

Post by Dean » Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:48 am

Dr Myrta Grüning,
Thanks for your reply.
Dr. Yimin Ding
Soochow University, China.

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