I have a question on the diagonal approximation of Coulomb potential. According to this Yambo tutorial (https://www.yambo-code.eu/wiki/index.ph ... al_systems), when RIM method is used for Coulomb potential, I noticed that only the diagonal components of Coulomb potential are calculated. If I understand correctly, when calculating screened W in GW or BSE application in this case, the wing term of dielectric matrix is dropped. Is this correct?
Code: Select all
Gamma point sphere radius [au]: 0.08028
Points outside the sphere : 799246
[Int_sBZ(q=0) 1/q^2]*(Vol_sBZ)^(-1/3) = 7.665674
should be < 7.795600
Brillouin Zone Q/K grids (IBZ/BZ): 7 36 7 36
Coulombian RL components : 111
Coulombian diagonal components :yes
RIM random points : 1000000
RIM RL volume [a.u.]: 0.390293
Real RL volume [a.u.]: 0.390112
Eps^-1 reference component :0
Eps^-1 components : 0.00 0.00 0.00
RIM anysotropy factor : 0.000000
- S/N 005962 -------------------------- v.04.01.02 r.00120 -