Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Having trouble compiling the Yambo source? Using an unusual architecture? Problems with the "configure" script? Problems in GPU architectures? This is the place to look.

Moderators: Davide Sangalli, andrea.ferretti, myrta gruning, andrea marini, Daniele Varsano, Conor Hogan, Nicola Spallanzani

Forum rules
If you have trouble compiling Yambo, please make sure to list:
(1) the compiler (vendor and release: e.g. intel 10.1)
(2) the architecture (e.g. 64-bit IBM SP5)
(3) if the problems occur compiling in serial/in parallel
(4) the version of Yambo (revision number/major release version)
(5) the relevant compiler error message
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Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by kle2797 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:16 am

Dear developers,

I am trying to compile yambo on the cluster Perlmutter and I keep getting the error:

Code: Select all

Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (LOGICAL(4)/COMPLEX(8)).
I tried this with the current yambo public version. The module I have loaded include:

Code: Select all

module load cpu ; module load PrgEnv-gnu ; module load cray-hdf5-parallel ; module load cray-fftw
Which helped me successfully compiled Quantum Espresso v7.0. Not sure if I am missing anything for yambo.
I have attached the file `config.log` and `log/compile_yambo.log` below. Hope that will help.
Please let me know if you need any further information.
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Khoa Le
PhD Candidate
California Institute of Technology

Savio Laricchia
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Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by Savio Laricchia » Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:22 am

Dear Khoa,

From the modules you are loading I can see that you are compiling Yambo on the CPU partition of Perlmutter. If this is the case, I successfully compiled Yambo on this partition by using the default modules provided when loging in. You only need the enviroment PrgEnv-gnu/8.3.3 while all the other libraries required can be downloaded and compiled directly by Yambo. A possible configuration file is the following
export FC="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export F77="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export CPP='cpp -E'
export CC=gcc
export FPP='mpif90 -E -fallow-argument-mismatch'
export F90SUFFIX=".f90"
export MPIFC='ftn'
export FCFLAGS="-g -O -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export MPIF77='ftn'
export MPICC='cc'
export MPICXX='CC'

./configure \
--enable-mpi \
--enable-par-linalg \
--enable-msgs-comps \
--enable-time-profile \
--enable-memory-profile \
--with-blas-libs="-lblas" \
--with-lapack-libs="-llapack" \
--with-scalapack-libs=yes --with-blacs-libs=yes \
--disable-hdf5-par-io \
Hope this will help.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:21 pm

Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by kle2797 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:08 am

Savio Laricchia wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:22 am Dear Khoa,

From the modules you are loading I can see that you are compiling Yambo on the CPU partition of Perlmutter. If this is the case, I successfully compiled Yambo on this partition by using the default modules provided when loging in. You only need the enviroment PrgEnv-gnu/8.3.3 while all the other libraries required can be downloaded and compiled directly by Yambo. A possible configuration file is the following

Hope this will help.
Dear Savio,

Thank you for your response. Yes, I am trying to compile on the CPU partition. Thanks to your suggestion, I have compiled Yambo successfully with default configuration.
However, when I tried to add the flag '--enable-slepc-linalg' for diagonalization of BSE using SLEPc, it returned the following errors.

Code: Select all


   54 |  use slepceps
      |      1
Fatal Error: Cannot open module file 'slepceps.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Do you know if this is a compiler error or is it my environment set up? I only loaded the "PrgEnv-gnu/8.3.3" as you suggested.
Khoa Le
PhD Candidate
California Institute of Technology

Savio Laricchia
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:21 pm
Location: S3-CNR Institute of Nanoscience, Modena (Italy)

Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by Savio Laricchia » Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:44 pm

Dear Khoa,

I was able in reproducing your error when compiling Yambo 5.2 on Perlmutter, both with the default versions for PETSC and SLEPc (3.17.4 and 3.17.2, respectively) or their previous versions (3.14.6 and 3.14.2, respectively). Probably there will be some Yambo-SLEPc interface problem in the 5.2 version that should be investigated, given that the PETSC 3.14.6 and SLEPc 3.14.2 libraries have already been used successfully in compiling Yambo 5.1.

Therefore, my suggestion is to compile Yambo 5.1 with the same setting used before in order to be able to correctly compile Yambo (including the SLEPc libraries) on the CPU partition of Perlmutter.

Posts: 16
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Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by kle2797 » Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:20 pm

Savio Laricchia wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:44 pm Dear Khoa,

I was able in reproducing your error when compiling Yambo 5.2 on Perlmutter, both with the default versions for PETSC and SLEPc (3.17.4 and 3.17.2, respectively) or their previous versions (3.14.6 and 3.14.2, respectively). Probably there will be some Yambo-SLEPc interface problem in the 5.2 version that should be investigated, given that the PETSC 3.14.6 and SLEPc 3.14.2 libraries have already been used successfully in compiling Yambo 5.1.

Therefore, my suggestion is to compile Yambo 5.1 with the same setting used before in order to be able to correctly compile Yambo (including the SLEPc libraries) on the CPU partition of Perlmutter.
Thank you Savio,

I have successfully compiled Yambo 5.1.0. I noticed that the same problem may persist down to Yambo v5.1.1. Hope that will help later!
Khoa Le
PhD Candidate
California Institute of Technology

Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:27 pm

Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by milesj » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:12 pm

For anyone else still trying, here is the compilation procedure I ended up having to use:

Code: Select all

module load cpu

modules loaded
  1) craype-x86-milan     4) xpmem/2.6.2-2.5_2.27__gd067c3f.shasta   7) cpe/23.03    10) craype/2.7.20     (c)    13) PrgEnv-gnu/8.3.3            (cpe)   16) cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/ (io)
  2) libfabric/   5) gcc/11.2.0                              8) xalt/2.10.2  11) cray-dsmml/0.2.2         14) cray-hdf5-parallel/ (io)    17) espresso/7.0-libxc-5.2.2-cpu
  3) craype-network-ofi   6) perftools-base/23.03.0                  9) cpu/1.0      12) cray-mpich/8.1.25 (mpi)  15) cray-fftw/          (math)
module load espresso/7.0-libxc-5.2.2-cpu
module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/
module load cray-hdf5-parallel/
module load cray-fftw/

mkdir yambo_dev
cd yambo_dev/
git clone ./

export FC="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export F77="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export CPP='cpp -E'
export CC=gcc
export FPP='mpif90 -E -fallow-argument-mismatch'
export F90SUFFIX=".f90"
export MPIFC='ftn'
export FCFLAGS="-g -O -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export MPIF77='ftn'
export MPICC='cc'
export MPICXX='CC'

./configure --enable-open-mp --enable-par-linalg --enable-hdf5-par-io --enable-memory-profile --enable-time-profile --with-fft-path=/opt/cray/pe/fftw/ --with-libxc-path=/global/common/software/nersc/pm-2021q4/sw/libxc/v5.2.2/pm-cpu/ --with-hdf5-path=/opt/cray/pe/hdf5-parallel/ --with-netcdf-path=/opt/cray/pe/netcdf-hdf5parallel/ --with-netcdff-path=/opt/cray/pe/netcdf-hdf5parallel/

add -fopenmp to cflags, fcflags, and the one openmp line later in the ./config/setup file
replace the two fft lines with:
lfft        = -L/opt/cray/pe/fftw/ -lfftw3 -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3_omp
ifft        = -I/opt/cray/pe/fftw/

cd ..
mkdir yambo_lib
cp -r ./yambo_dev/lib/external/ ./yambo_lib/

(download yambo-5.1.0.tar.gz)

tar -zxvf yambo-5.1.0.tar.gz
cd yambo-5.1.0

export FC="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export F77="mpif90 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export CPP='cpp -E'
export CC=gcc
export FPP='mpif90 -E -fallow-argument-mismatch'
export F90SUFFIX=".f90"
export MPIFC='ftn'
export FCFLAGS="-g -O -fallow-argument-mismatch"
export MPIF77='ftn'
export MPICC='cc'
export MPICXX='CC'

./configure --enable-open-mp --enable-par-linalg --enable-hdf5-par-io --enable-memory-profile --enable-time-profile --enable-slepc-linalg  --with-extlibs-path=../yambo_lib/external

(the final flag may actually need the full path as output by 'pwd')
(I don't remember whether or not I needed to edit the ./config/setup file for 5.1.0, but the -fopenmp flag should be in the same places and lfft and ifft should look the same as above) 
Miles Johnson
California Institute of Technology
PhD candidate in Applied Physics

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Nicola Spallanzani
Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:15 am

Re: Compiling YAMBO on Perlmutter cluster

Post by Nicola Spallanzani » Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:14 pm

Dear Miles,
thank you very much for your help.

Nicola Spallanzani, PhD
S3 Centre, Istituto Nanoscienze CNR and MaX Center, Italy
MaX - Materials design at the Exascale

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