I think I found some small bugs in YamboElectronsDB
The first is in the method setFermiFixed(), around line 255 :
Code: Select all
nbands = self.nelectrons/self.spin_degen
#top of valence
top = np.max(eigenvalues[:,nbands])
#bottom of conduction
bot = np.max(eigenvalues[:,nbands-1])
Code: Select all
nbands = int( self.nelectrons/self.spin_degen )
#top of valence
top = np.max(eigenvalues[:,nbands-1])
#bottom of conduction
bot = np.min(eigenvalues[:,nbands])
Finally I compared the Fermi energy of a gapped material using the methods getFermi and the corrected setFermiFixed. Results are indeed close, but not enough in my opinion. I paid attention to prevent getFermi to set the Fermi level. Please, see the script below
Code: Select all
yel = YamboElectronsDB(ylat,save=save_path)
print('i_v = ', yel.eigenvalues_ibz[:,i_v])
print('i_c = ', yel.eigenvalues_ibz[:,i_c])
print('yel.efermi after calling getFermi(setFermi=False)) = ',yel.efermi)
print('yel.efermi after calling the corrected setFermiFixed() = ',yel.efermi)
Code: Select all
spin_degen: 2
nelectrons: 208
nbands: 600
nkpoints: 48
i_v = [-6.097253 -6.0047493 -5.956301 -6.067695 -6.058205 -5.8655705 -6.004752 -5.9562984]
i_c = [-1.5558 -1.4688548 -1.4170614 -1.5492991 -1.4384433 -1.4240326 -1.468855 -1.417061 ]
print(fermi) added inside getFermi() before return = -3.1794028282165527
yel.efermi after calling getFermi(setFermi=False)) = None
yel.efermi after calling the corrected setFermiFixed() = -3.7106852531433105
DFT Energy gap: 4.3097706 eV
DFT Direct gap: 4.441538 eV
GW shift: 0.0 eV