I am running Yambo SHG to reproduce the AlAs SHG example by using Abinit 9.4.1.
I compiled Abinit 9.4.1 with two options,
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-enable-netcdf-default and --enable-mpi-io.
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I use a2y from Yambo version of 5.1.0.
When I run command, a2y -F AlAso_DS2_KSS, I got errors,
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<---> A(binit) 2 Y(ambo) [NETCDF format]
<---> Checking input file ...
<---> NETCDF file : AlAso_DS2_KSS
<---> DBs path set to : .
[ERROR] NetCDF: Unknown file format
(1) Should I add another option of
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(2) Should I add anything in Abinit input file? such as,
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iomod 3
prtkbff 1
AlAso_DS2_KSS.nc? (I got AlAso_DS2_KSS, but NOT AlAso_DS2_KSS.nc).
Thank you very much for your helps.